Free, on-demand access to workflow automation resources
Improve worker productivity with free on-demand access to hours of valuable workflow automation resources from the recent Nintext ProcessFest 2020 virtual event. [ + ]
Network infrastructure and the government
We speak with CommScope's Chris Collura about the technology trends that are impacting government agencies. [ + ]
Cyber criminals dangle coronavirus-themed lures
Cyber criminals have expanded their coronavirus-themed attacks and are now preying on victims by playing on various conspiracy theories. [ + ]
Is there a missing link in your access control system?
Conventional mechanical locks are the weak point in your access system. Softwave-controlled locks and keys are the answer. [ + ]
Bad guys love COVID-19
Learn how a one-click recovery solution can enable your company to rapidly recover from a ransomware attack. [ + ]
Satisfying the demand for multi-gigabit access
Ruckus Networks' ICX 7850 switch delivers a complete 100GbE edge-to-core solution for multi-gigabit enterprise networks. [ + ]
Top 10 benefits of desktop as a service (DaaS)
This guide explains the main advantages to be gained when companies adopt DaaS to help them succeed on their digital journey. [ + ]
Password protection when it matters most
When IT solutions provider MOQdigital needed an enterprise password management solution, LastPass ticked all the boxes. [ + ]
A Titanic lesson — changing governments' fate with the 'Essential 8'
As agencies try to navigate at full speed through the murky waters of transformation and change, they're simultaneously opening themselves up to increased cyber-attacks. [ + ]
Face recognition and ID management: a good match
Face recognition technologies are helping agencies improve ID accuracy and better detect fraud. Find out how. [ + ]
Building a strong foundation for cyber security
Modern leadership demands cyber security by default, requiring a strategic approach to cyber security management through all layers of government. [ + ]
SingularityU Australia Executive Program | Be Transformed
Emerge from this experience with an exponential vision and action plan for the future. [ + ]
Digitising public sector service delivery
Cloud and mobile-first platforms will give citizens routine access to the very best systems and technology, in an era when they demand nothing less. [ + ]
Battling fraud and compliance issues in the public sector
The right technology solution can help ensure your organisation meets the highest levels of fiscal responsibility with travel, expense, and invoice management. [ + ]
New Victorian Protective Data Security Standards Compliance
Is your organisation compliant with VPDSS V2.0 and ISO 27001? [ + ]