EFA calls on AG to call off his "war" with the OAIC
22 January, 2016 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingElectronic Frontiers Australia has called on Attorney-General George Brandis to call off his "absurd war of attrition" with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and properly resource the agency.
Turnbull commits to strengthening ties with US on cybersecurity
21 January, 2016Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced how he plans to strengthen ties between Australia and the US on cybersecurity during his official visit to Washington, DC.
Cybercrime, cyber espionage and the 'dark web'
18 November, 2015 by David BraueState and Commonwealth cybersecurity is in limbo as reviews slam inadequate policy and practices, saying that federal and state governments simply aren't taking cybersecurity seriously enough.
WA allocates $5m for statewide CCTV strategy
10 November, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe WA Government has allocated $5m to help local governments deploy more CCTV cameras as part of an $8.5m plan to build an integrated CCTV network for crime deterrence and easier prosecution.
Proactive risk advice — leading the charge
09 November, 2015 by Theresa M Grafenstine, ISACA International VP and Inspector General of the US House of RepresentativesAn IT audit needs to proactively assess emerging risks if it is to remain relevant, provide value to government agencies and protect against the most significant risks public sector organisations face.
Government instructs ministers not to delete emails
27 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingIn Canada's British Columbia, ministers and political staff have been told not to delete emails in response to a report highly critical of a lack of transparency in government communications.
Identity flagged as government security focus
14 October, 2015 by David BraueDamning assessment of current identity and access management technologies is pushing government agencies to expand the use of facial recognition biometric technology.
PM still uses non-government email service
09 October, 2015Malcolm Turnbull's office has confirmed he has continued using a non-government email service since becoming Prime Minister.
US audit finds weak infosec practices in government
06 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe US-based Government Accountability Office has found weaknesses in the information security policies and practices of 24 federal agencies.
Fingerprints of 5.6m US federal workers stolen
24 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingA major data breach compromised the personal information of around 21.5 million current and former US federal employees, including fingerprint records for an estimated 5.6m workers.
Councils expanding public safety CCTV networks
23 September, 2015 by David BraueAustralian councils are increasingly turning to intelligent CCTV to proactively ensure safety and efficiency in public spaces, with more than half now operating such surveillance systems.
Body worn video to adorn NSW police
22 September, 2015 | Supplied by: Fujitsu AustraliaFujitsu has partnered with Australian company m-View to provide an advanced real-time evidence gathering tool for NSW police officers in the field.
US Federal CIO calls for IT systems to be redesigned
14 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingUS Federal CIO Tony Scott has asserted that the fundamental building blocks of current IT systems must be redesigned to address emerging new threats.
Govt to spend $18.5m on face matching system
11 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe Coalition Government has allocated $18.5m for its project to develop a system to allow law enforcement and other agencies to share and match photos using biometric identification.
National biometric face matching system to go live in 2016
31 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe Attorney-General's Department expects a system to allow law enforcement agencies to more easily match facial images using biometric data to be operational by mid-2016.