Public Sector Network

NSW hires open government expert Pia Andrews

03 September, 2018 by Jonathan Nally

The NSW Government has appointed Pia Andrews to the role of Executive Director of Digital Government, reporting to Government Chief Information and Digital Officer Greg Wells.

Log back in to Public Sector Network today

15 August, 2018

Log in to stream content from our latest events, including the Women Leaders and Contact Centres series and the Australian Security Summit.

Interview: Shae Howard, Director, GovDC

14 August, 2018 by Jonathan Nally | Supplied by: Public Sector Network

Having consolidated 130 data centres down to just two, the GovDC project is saving the NSW Government millions of dollars per year.

Don't miss the Public Sector Cyber Security Roadshow

14 August, 2018

If you're involved in cybersecurity and defence, you mustn't miss the Public Sector Cyber Security Roadshow in September. Quote 'GTR50' to get a 50% discount!

Register now! NSW Government Digital Marketplace event

13 August, 2018

Don't miss the NSW Government Digital Marketplace conference and exhibition, one of the largest meetings of public and private ICT leaders in Australia.

DTA to sponsor GovHack 2018

13 August, 2018 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Registrations for September's GovHack 2018, the national open data hackathon, will open on Thursday this week.

The case for gender equality in IT is clear

10 August, 2018 | Supplied by: Public Sector Network

Australian and international perspectives on furthering equality in government were shared at the recent 'Women in Leadership' symposium.

Public sector contact centres of the future

02 July, 2018 | Supplied by: Public Sector Network

Creating a digital omnichannel contact centre will improve customer experience and problem resolution.

Prioritising gender equality in the public sector

29 June, 2018 | Supplied by: Public Sector Network

The battle for gender equality is far from over, so public sector women are building support networks and paving the way for those who follow.

Digital transformation strategies for councils

28 June, 2018 | Supplied by: Public Sector Network

Local councils are increasing efficiency and citizen satisfaction through ICT and digital transformation.

NZ extends Cyber Security Strategy review

27 June, 2018 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The New Zealand Government will give the public more time to submit feedback for a review into the nation's Cyber Security Strategy.

Vic Govt funds Shepparton Wi-Fi extension

27 June, 2018

The free public Wi-Fi network in Shepparton will be extended beyond the central business district, following $1.2 million in funding from the state government.

Government chatbots: five steps to getting it right

05 April, 2018 by Dan Kuenzig | Supplied by: Oracle Corporation Australia

Chatbot deployments can be wildly successful or dismal failures, so it pays to avoid the common pitfalls and get it right from the start.

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