The 'future of work' in government
Mass connectivity, mobility, big data, predictive analysis and a workforce full of millennials are bringing both challenges and opportunities for the working environment. [ + ]
US Pentagon said to ban Pokemon Go
The US Pentagon has reportedly issued a memo banning the use of Pokemon Go within Defense facilities nationwide, and on agency-issued smart devices, due to spying fears. [ + ]
How the IoT will change your world
Government departments and agencies can take advantage of IoT technologies to automate and expedite routine activities, vastly improving efficiency, safety and productivity. [ + ]
Cloud computing for law enforcement
Law enforcement agencies should embrace the opportunities cloud computing poses, as data management is key to fighting crime in the digital age. [ + ]
Lockheed Martin to build R&D centre in Melbourne
Lockheed Martin has allocated $13 million to build a new multidisciplinary research laboratory in Melbourne, its first multidisciplinary R&D facility outside of the US. [ + ]
Overcoming the hybrid/public cloud compromise
Enterprise cloud platforms are designed to deliver the level of control needed to respond to challenges at the user's chosen rate. [ + ]
SA Health wins iAward for HIB platform
Public health body SA Health has picked up a South Australian iAward for its Health Information Broker state-wide hospital patient record project. [ + ]
Are 'digital embassies' the answer?
'Digital embassies' — where data physically hosted in one country is legally regarded as being in another — could help overcome tricky jurisdictional issues. [ + ]
NSW picks ServiceNow, UXC for GovDC Marketplace
ServiceNow and UXC Keystone have been selected to provide the core platform for GovDC Marketplace, a one-stop shop for NSW government agencies to procure approved ICT services. [ + ]
Border Protection's digital transformation is in full swing
A measured and collaborative approach has put the Department of Immigration and Border Protection's digital transformation effort on the right track to long-term success. [ + ]
Obama establishes cyber response hierarchy
US President Barack Obama has clarified the federal government agencies in charge of both asset responses and threat responses to cyberthreats against the nation. [ + ]
Digital identities — trust but verify
As its own identity crisis bites, Australia's federal government is mustering support for a security overhaul. [ + ]
Transport for NSW adopts expense8 cloud software
Transport for NSW has expanded its long-standing relationship with Sydney software developer 8common Limited to cover adoption of the company's cloud-based expense management software. [ + ]
NSW's platform-based IAM reinvention
An identity and access management framework is helping NSW Government agencies find a commonality of purpose that has already proved to have significant transformational effects. [ + ]
Turnbull appoints cybersecurity minister
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's new cabinet includes the freshly created role of Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Cyber Security, and Dan Tehan has been appointed to the position. [ + ]