Parks Victoria, Microsoft launch ParkConnect
Parks Victoria has worked with Microsoft to develop a centralised system for supporting the agency's remit of managing the state's parks and waterways. [ + ]
The IT transformation journey
Learning how to blend traditional IT with as-a-service offerings is one of the keys to success in the digital age, says Meridian IT Australia's Robert Simione. [ + ]
Managing government IT projects for success
Innovative funding and shared-value models will help government deliver for the people, says Roger Rooney, the ACT's smart parking Senior Project Manager. [ + ]
IP Australia's API-led transformational journey
Australia's intellectual property rights agency is transforming the way its customers do business with it, using APIs to free up new solutions. [ + ]
AusCERT launches new brand image and website
AusCERT is launching a new brand image and website to further enhance the service it provides to members. [ + ]
WA police trial AI evidence analysis
The WAPF has been piloting a cloud AI solution from Australia's Modis and running on Microsoft Azure that is designed to manage vast amounts of digital evidence. [ + ]
Connectivity is key for data centre effectiveness
For a department more accustomed to controlling borders, breaking down barriers in connectivity was the key to improving data centre efficiency. [ + ]
92% of GPs have signed up to My Health Record
More than nine in 10 general practitioners and more than four in five pharmacies across Australia have registered for the My Health Record system. [ + ]
Construction of Switching on Darwin complete
The construction phase of the $10m smart city project, including the deployment of new CCTV cameras and LED streetlights, is now complete. [ + ]
Vic selects Spirit Telecom for Morwell broadband
The Victorian Government has awarded Spirit Telecom its second grant under the Connecting Regional Communities program. [ + ]
A more meaningful workplace with automation
Rather than fearing it, it's critical for organisations to recognise the role RPA plays in growing and engaging the workplace, says Tim Ebbeck. [ + ]
Morrison announces Services Australia
The Prime Minister has revealed plans to establish Services Australia, a new organisation within the DHS tasked with overhauling government service delivery. [ + ]
Paul Fletcher named Minister of Communications
The former Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications is returning to the department to take up the top job. [ + ]
Culture, change and trust in government innovation
Building resilient and adaptable teams, dealing with change and earning trust are essential for success, says Marija Maher, COO of the Victorian Ombudsman office. [ + ]
NSW appoints new security chief
The NSW Government has established Cyber Security NSW within the state's Department of Customer Service, and appointed a Chief Cyber Security Officer to lead it. [ + ]