Police lobby for national data consolidation
27 October, 2015 by David BraueA lack of government investment in data consolidation, analytics and public safety radio spectrum is hindering the modernisation of policing in Australia, says the Police Federation.
Digital transformation: lessons from private enterprise
26 October, 2015 by Jonathan NallyAs the federal government's digital transformation effort builds steam, we sought the insights of IT industry experts to see what the public sector can learn from similar projects in the private sector.
2016 census to be conducted mostly online
23 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe ABS has announced that it expects around 65% of Australian households to complete the 2016 census online.
US plans changes to information management policy
23 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe US Office of Management and Budget is calling for consultation on the first proposed changes to federal information management policy in 15 years, to reflect new technologies and threats.
No simple solutions — digital transformation's long journey
22 October, 2015 by John Kost, Group VP, GartnerIT infrastructure is not usually the limiting factor in digital government transformation — it is the governance models and the leadership that must enable it.
Digital-government scope expanding
22 October, 2015 by David BraueExperimental designs, best-practice models and looming as-a-service tools are emerging on the landscape as the Digital Transformation Office advances efforts to digitise government bodies.
Govt to establish national digital identity framework
21 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe federal government will task the Digital Transformation Office with helping develop a national digital identity verification framework as part of its review into Australia's financial system.
UK introduces visa scheme for tech talent
20 October, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-Embling
The UK government's new Tech Nation Visa Scheme has added new qualifying criteria to help the nation's technology start-ups more easily source talent from outside the EU.
Interview: Paul Shetler, CEO of the DTO
19 October, 2015 by David BraueThe CEO of the Digital Transformation Office is on a mission to transform government, and sees the reinvention of government services coming from an 'outside in' rather than an 'inside out' approach.
Policy morass, legacy haunt $1bn DHS project
30 September, 2015 by David BraueThe Department of Human Services is embarking on a $1bn overhaul of its core systems, but government watchers believe the successful completion of the overhaul will take a lot more than just throwing money at the problem.
Canberra first capital city to legalise Uber
30 September, 2015The ACT will be one of the first capital cities in the world to legalise ridesharing services, such as UberX, from 30 October.
City of Melbourne hires its first CDO
30 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingFormer PwC employee Michelle Fitzgerald has taken up the role of the City of Melbourne's first chief digital officer.
UK, US to strengthen digital government collaboration
28 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe governments of the UK and the US have committed to working together on initiatives to transform the delivery of government services for the digital era.
Videoconferencing connects WA's medical specialists
23 September, 2015High-definition videoconferencing equipment is connecting emergency medicine specialists in Perth to doctors and nurses in 72 emergency departments across Western Australia.
NSW Innovation Minister to discuss govt big data in Korea
23 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingNSW Minister for Innovation Victor Dominello will deliver a keynote address at IFIP WCC 2015 in South Korea next month, detailing the role of data analytics in government.